Deep-Fried Spareribs with Spicy Salt and Pepper Recipe

Deep-Fried Spareribs with Spicy Salt and Pepper Recipes

Ingredients :

10-12 finger ribs, in total about 1.5 lb, with excess fat and gristle trimmed

2-3 tbsp flour

vegetable oil, for deep-frying


For the marinade -

1 garlic clove, crushed and chopped

1 tbsp light brown sugar

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

2 tbsp Chinese rice wine or dry sherry

1/2 tsp chili sauce

few drops sesame oil

Method :

Chop each rib into 3-4 pieces. Combine all the marinade ingredients in a bowl, add the spareribs and leave to marinate for at least 2-3 hours. Coat the spareribs with flour and deep-fry them in medium-hot oil for 4-5 minutes, stirring to separate. Remove and drain. Heat the oil to high and deep-fry the spareribs once more for about 1 minute, or until the color is an even dark brown. Remove and drain, then serve hot.

Spicy salt and pepper recipes:

To make Spicy Salt and Pepper, mix 1 tbsp salt with 2 tsp ground Szechuan peppercorns and 1 tsp five-spice powder. Heat together in a preheated dry pan for about 2 minutes over a low heat, stirring constantly. This quantity is sufficient for at least 6 servings.

Serves 4-6

If you want these spareribs to be hotter, just increase the amount of chili sauce.

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